Tuesday, October 12, 2010

XBox 360 Data Migration Cable Warning

I recently purchased a 250gb XBox 360 drive through EBay and ordered a data migration cable for the Xbox 360 through another seller.

Visually, the cable I received looks like the Microsoft cable but it doesn't have Microsoft stamped on the side.  The included software was also not Microsoft and when I inserted the disk the label of the CD was in Chinese!

After scouring the internet I found that the real data migration cable works by inserting the new drive into the XBox 360 slot and attaching the old drive using the cable.  When you power on your XBox it recognizes the old and new drive and offers to migrate your data automatically.  No CD required!  However, since this wasn't a real Microsoft cable... it didn't recognize my old drive when I tried this.

Additionally, the software that was included with my knock-off kit had very poor instructions an didn't recognize the drive when connected to my laptop either... so I couldn't even attempt to copy my data over via that mechanism.

I'm a little skeptical now that the Ebay seller, despite a very high ranking, didn't but a hard drive case and cram a compatible drive into it.  This could violate the XBox TOS (terms of service) and cause me to get banned on XBox Live!  I'm going to throughly investigate the drive before using it!

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