Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tech Tidbits

Nothing really new to discuss in the world of .NET right now (but I've got some stuff in the works to show).

A new things from around the tech world.

1. iPhone for Verizon.  It looks like it will be happening soon.  AT&T has increased its termination fees and Verizon is going to offer iPads with unlimited data plans as two signs.

2. iPad competition.  HP and Asus among are offering table PCs comparable in features, size, and price of the iPad.  Expect more to come out in the near future.  Interestingly, many of these new tablets are running Windows 7.

3. Windows 8.  It is being reported that Windows 8 is about 2 years aways (give or take).  Windows 7 was just released a year ago.

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