Monday, May 3, 2010

Content Management Systems for .NET

I'm frustrated with the Content Management System (CMS) offerings for ASP.NET/SQL.

I tried to install 3; DotNetNuke, AxCMS, and Umbraco.  All three failed the initial installation.

DotNetNuke would have been the easiest if had worked.  It used the Web Platform installer.  The annoying thing with the installer is it requires a reboot which means you have to do this after hours on a production web server.  I was able to get through to the screen where I setup my IIS information for the site and the SQL database screen.  On the SQL screen, I picked my existing SQL Enterprise DB instead of using SQL Express.  During the DB installation part, it failed due to some error with the DNN database script not having something declared properly.  This caused the entire installation to fail and when I went to clean-up, nothing was written to the DB, updated in IIS, and only the files remained in my predefined folder location.
AxCMS had a command line batch install and it failed on most of the steps of the install.  Allegedly, there were configuration files you could tweak per the install prompts but the directories it indicated didn't exist.

Umbraco I extracted to a folder and then created as a website.  It fails trying to register AJAX components but when I check the bin folder I found all the DLLs and versions that the web.config specified.

There needs to be a CMS solution that is easy to install and use!?  I'm sure there is one out there but many of the sites for these products are lacking.  The feature list is vague, there is no demo site, and very few screen shots to see what the product looks like.

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