Saturday, July 10, 2010


I wanted to take a quick opportunity and mention a cool website for those looking for a no hassle way to sell your DVDs and small electronic devices with no hassle.  The website is

The process is simple... you browse their site and find items that you have that they are willing to buy.  It will ask you for the condition of the item and what accessories you have.  Based on this, you get a guaranteed price for the item.  If you have enough stuff then Gazelle ships you a box and postage paid label.  Otherwise, you get the postage paid label but have to provide your own box.

Once the condition of your items is verified Gazelle will pay you via PayPal, Check by mail, etc.  If there is a dispute between the condition you listed and what Gazelle believes the condition is then you can either accept the revised offer or have them ship you the item back for free.

Last, if an item no longer has value they will take it and either sell it to a reuse shop or recycle it.

The key is not to wait as if you have items sitting around they progressively lose value.

Some examples from this week of items they're collecting and prices paid for items in good condition:
Iron Man for XBox 360: $8
HTC Droid Eris : $128? I can't remember exactly.
Nintendo Wii  w/ controller: $78

But an old Blackberry like the 8700 series is a recycle item.

It is worth noting that you could get better prices from Ebay or god forbid Craig's List but you have the time, selling and shipping costs to contend with.  If you're going for max price then Gazelle may not be the answer but if you're going for sold now then it might be a better bet.

1 comment:

  1. Update: A buddy of mine reports he sent an iPhone to Gazelle in perfect condition and they just recently got back to him about the item claiming it was damaged and only worth $10. The product was in excellent condition prior to being shipped and packaged in the original packaging inside of the Gazelle provided packaging. Likely, the phone was damaged at Gazelle by someone looking at the phone.

    Lesson learned here is to take photos and write down serial numbers, etc of your items.
